Sunday, June 1, 2014

PB coconut hearts

Quick candy!


I love this, super easy, and unbelievably delicious.


  • 3 tbsp natural peanut butter (I use a honey roasted peanut butter from a local farm thats delicious! But any peanut butter will do really)
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil (I use extra virgin coconut oil, I believe any coconut oil will be fine)
  • Officially 1 tsp maple syrup. Unofficially, i just drizzle a tiny amount, i didnt want it to be over powering but still wanted sweetness. Also i used Vermont maple syrup.
  • Dark chocolate for drizzling


  1. Place the peanut butter in a small bowl, preferably one with a spout to pour.
  2. There are two options how to proceed: (a) warm the coconut oil in the microwave and mix with the peanut butter in order to utilize candy molds or (b) mix the coconut oil at room temperature and use a pastry bag to make chips
  3. Add the maple syrup for desired sweetness.
  4. Depending on your previous choice, either fill a candy mold or using a pastry bag with a tip-press out bite-size pieces onto wax paper.
  5. Place in freezer, for at least 20 minutes, the set very quickly.
  6. Remove and set on wax paper then drizzle with chocolate as desired. Return to fridge or freezer (I prefer the freezer so they stay completely solid)


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